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China's assistance to Pakistan construction of cold storage

China's assistance to Pakistan construction of cold storage

August 8, 2012 hearing in recent days due to the lack of heat, local refrigeration facilities, Sindh province, according to officials last week six statistics, due to lack of cold storage cold storage facilities, about 25 percent of fruits and vegetables loss area in Karachi, Pakistan.

Wholesale Hajishajia Khan said: "The need to increase at least 40% based on the existing cold storage in order to alleviate this problem, he further pointed out that 99% of the existing cold lack of the latest technology, but can not provide the proper temperature storage.
Currently in the cold storage equipment surrounding India, Iran far more than we, local produce too much wear and tear, and sometimes there are imported from neighboring countries, which has led to rising prices of some products. Local growers Larkana said that because of lack of cold storage before farmers sell their rotten tomatoes at very low prices, there is no profit space, we even lost the cost of inputs, "he said.
A local expert Ahmed Degu Wade said: "Once we have a proper cold storage, prices of some products prices under control, you can also prevent the loss of 34,000 tons per year of fruit and vegetables, at present, most private cold storage facilities built, preservation of fruits and vegetables, but the blatant disregard for food hygiene standards have breeding bacteria causing rot and insects, undermining the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables. and the lack of cold storage management staff knowledge, there is no automatic temperature controlled storage facilities.
Currently, to solve the problem, the government has in the Chinese enterprises, a large number of 56 cold storage projects, to ensure that locally produced fruits and vegetables are guaranteed, the Chinese government on this project has given RS1.86 billion in capital and RS366.87 one million equipment.

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