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Refrigeration equipment to a new level shall be the policy and market integration

Refrigeration equipment to a new level shall be the policy and market integration

Currently, the agricultural chain logistics usher in rapid development period, the development of agro-industry, reducing the need for agricultural products circulation losses, the emphasis on improving food safety and increasing demand for refrigerated foods, will promote the rapid development of agricultural logistics usher .
All aspects of the agricultural chain logistics are inseparable from the refrigeration equipment, especially trucks cold cryogenic storage link building and circulation of agricultural products is the weak link in the cold chain logistics.
Frozen food industry in our country rise to become one of the fastest growing next door food industry has become a breakthrough of traditional food industrialization. Expected in the next 5 to 10 years with the development of the inflow of foreign technology and domestic technology, the development of sound policies and regulations, improve people's living standards and cultural level, food refrigerated transport and refrigeration equipment will gradually improve and perfect.
In recent years, China's refrigeration equipment industry has experienced a period of rapid growth, domestic refrigeration products have many advantages in manufacturing technology, cost control, market share and so on.
However, as the Chinese market is gradually warming refrigeration, refrigeration equipment, foreign companies have begun today's China, "Gold Rush", and achieved good development outcomes. Deep and open up foreign companies in the Chinese market, so our refrigeration equipment industry enterprises are facing enormous challenges.
Our refrigeration equipment companies compared with developed countries, low investment in research, testing methods are relatively backward, affecting the level of technology to improve cooling. From the long-term development, the formation of the core technology and core competitiveness with independent intellectual property rights, we can truly achieve the refrigeration industry by manufacturing power to create powerful nation forward.
Our refrigeration equipment industry to deal with the status quo than the development of refrigeration equipment at home and abroad, to grasp the development direction of refrigeration equipment and technology, to identify and solve problems the current development of the industry. Combined with economic development and current status of development status of China's refrigeration equipment, technology, development of industry standards. Refrigeration equipment to create a good market, we can in order to break through the bottleneck of development of the industry.
Domestic refrigerator industry enterprises should take seriously the development of an opportunity as soon as possible to promote the concept of the modern cold chain logistics, cold chain logistics innovation of modern technology, improve cold chain logistics standard system, the establishment of the main varieties of agricultural products and cold-chain logistics system in key areas as soon as possible, give full play to the policy and the role of the market, is the development of business and industry to a new level!

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