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The rapid rise of catering O2O mode will stimulate demand for cold chain equipment

The rapid rise of catering O2O mode will stimulate demand for cold chain equipment
With the rise of mobile Internet users use social purpose from entertainment to shopping, food consumption extends chain restaurants O2O become the next mobile Internet hot spot, which also increases the demand for cold chain storage supply chain stores and restaurants.
With the rise of mobile Internet, catering O2O unprecedented opportunities. Since the restaurant chain stores enough, and widely distributed, can digest Internet companies attracted tourists; secondly profit margin is high enough, can afford to pay for online marketing. Therefore chain restaurant is ideal for dining O2O industry segments, as well as the fastest growing public catering varieties.
With the rapid development of the Internet and mobile micro-letters, dining O2O mode (buy, takeaway) rapid rise. China's catering O2O market reached 58.2 billion yuan in 2013, while in 2015 the entire dining O2O market will reach 125.6 billion yuan.
Chain restaurants O2O enlarge the scale of individual stores to customer needs, increasing the demand for cold chain distribution. O2O chain restaurants can not increase the number of stores and area under the management of the expanded coverage areas; can be extended to consumers and regular customers for the first time near the new dishes, new activities launched, but greatly stimulated the customer's impulse consumption, amplifying individual stores absolute peak traffic, the involvement of the social network also allows the importance of food security is further enhanced.
Air conditioning and refrigeration market experts pointed out that the chain of stores catering O2O lead to greater absolute peak day demand products, supply chain, demand forecasting difficulty is greater; in order to cope with uncertain customer demand, from a central kitchen and other centralized distribution point to the cold stores chain storage equipment required to create expansion. In addition, future upgrades will focus on fresh convenience store carried, including refinement of fresh category, expanded prepared foods category, and try selling fresh ingredients. Accordingly, the shop area will increase, while the storage of refrigerated display cabinets fresh demand increasing rapidly.

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