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Wuhann Theil refrigeration
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2013-2017 cold latest industry research and investment strategy

2013-2017 cold latest industry research and investment strategy
          Our complete independence of the cold chain system has not yet formed, the low degree of market, refrigerated business conditions can be transformed into a supermarket chain distribution center, forming refrigerated enterprises, supermarkets and chain enterprises affiliated business model. Establishing food cold chain, the perishable, fresh food from the origin acquisition, processing, storage, transportation, sale, until all aspects of the consumer are in a standard low temperature environment to ensure the quality of food and reduce unnecessary loss, prevent food spoilage and contamination. Refrigeration equipment industry should focus on the development of advanced universal international market all grades of 60 HP or less split or integrated with electronic technology and automation units, computer and automation technology is widely used in automatic control of the entire refrigeration system, the goal is to refrigeration industry upgrading, extend the industrial chain, reduce project cost. Cold storage industry must be under unified coordination of relevant departments to strengthen the overall planning and coordination, to develop cold chain logistics system. Meanwhile, to prevent blind duplicate construction, in order to ensure sustained, healthy and stable development of China's refrigeration industry.
In short, from the status quo and development trend of cold storage, the fruit heated gas for the rapid development of low-temperature increase in the proportion library for farmers used to build miniature cold meteoric rise, prefabricated cold storage and with freon as a refrigerant decentralized refrigeration systems are increasing efforts to promote, cold storage design tends to be more optimized, and gradually increase the degree of automation and control, government supervision of production safety and quality management department of cold supervision greatly enhanced. Domestic refrigerator industry is moving in the foamed polyurethane or polystyrene board insulation materials, lightweight prefab, low-temperature large-scale, management and cargo handling out of the library automation, thermostat controlled atmosphere cold storage of fruits and vegetables, instead of exhaust pipes and chiller facilitate widespread use of Freon refrigerant, flexible and diverse, efficient and safe, environmentally friendly energy development direction

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